dinsdag 5 februari 2013

after school grind

Back again!!
Played 37 sng's today, so i'm playing more then my minimum per day. Had to do the mail today and also do some homework and in the evening I started playing. My game has improved big time since the beginning, heads-up and bubble play in particular. Faced some beats but managed to keep my cool. I got it in good and that's what is important. Faced things as:
AT < A8 pfai and the flop came 8T8.
AA < K4 on the flop all in on TAJ. Rivers his Q.
QQ < J9 all in on J35. He rivers the 9.
AK < KJ and he hits his J.
But you know what, I shouldn't complain. I played the hands the way I should've played 'em. And in the end I finished after 37 sng's with a profit of $7,08. Which is an ROI of 12,76%. I like!! Going to play a little tomorrow and a lot on thursday, but can't play thursday evening, the whole friday and saturday so gotta keep on pace!

Goal for amount vpp's: 500
Vpp's needed to be on schedule: 89,29
Vpp's earned this month: 137,39
Goal for bankroll end february: $100+
Bankroll: $106,46
(think I might need to adjust my bankroll goal ;) )

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