So, I have to tell you guys what my best Pokerstars moment has been so far. Honestly, for me that’s probably a lot harder than for a Pokerstars pro or a 25 year old player. But Still, if I want to join the World Blogger Championship Of Online Poker I have to share my best moment so let’s think about this for a moment.
I turned 18 in October 2012 so I’m not even 18 for half a year. But now I can play, I can play mtt’s, sng’s and cashgames. I can do what I want to do, and I can do what I’m passionate about. I learned to play poker when I was 14 years old, playing the games with a couple of friends, just for fun. I fell in love with the game and kept playing, everyone moved on and stopped playing but all I wanted to do was play. So when I could, I did. I started playing and playing, people from the forum backed me and I was able to play tournaments I could only dream about playing. And yes, I dreamt about playing $1,10 tournaments, and winning them. I didn’t win a tournament yet, but I’m working on that part of the dream. I now have a long term sit and go backing. I play 6-max single table tournaments ($1,50) and I love it. Friends asked me why I liked playing for change and I think it’s just my passion for the game. I would play 10 hours a day if I could, just playing for play money. You might wonder right now what exactly my best moment is, and I think that was a session I played on the 6th of this month. I played 26 games which was a lot for me then. Now I play like 40 games a day, so still not a lot. There are players out there playing 26 games at the same time, but I couldn’t, so I didn’t. The best moment was finishing the session and seeing I was $24,36 up, which is 25% of my start roll. I love playing and I think that is my best moment. Although when I think about it now, every moment I’m able to play on Pokerstars is a best moment. The best moments I have is when I’m behind my computer screen and I am able to play the most wonderful game in the world.
Fortunately I still have all the time in the world. I’m only 18 years old and yes, there are things out there that will become better moments. Playing the Sunday million is a dream like that, winning my first big mtt is one. Until the time I can play big tournaments, I will be grinding low stakes sng’s and hopefully becoming silverstar this month.
So, this is my entry for the World Blogger Championship Of Online poker. If you would like to join the World Blogger Championship Of Online Poker you can send your 500 word blog to Pokerstars by using there widget on the website.
"Let there be better moments"
donderdag 28 februari 2013
maandag 25 februari 2013
A little bit of trouble
What's up guys!
Been offline for a little while. Had some personal issues to deal with and my mindset was totally off. So uhm yeah, we're back now! My mindset is good and so is my play. Now following I will post a short summary of everyday I played since my last update.
As you can see I just played worse because things going on. Well, today went better!
Today I went for 3 mtt's, a $3,30 and two $2,20's. Unfortunately I only managed to cash in the $3,30 tourney but I finished 76th after losing a 50K pot with AK > AT pfai. Well, too bad, had 11K left and shoved with AT in 88's and didn't manage to hit. Still cashed $11,35 though so no complaining from my side. Played 24 sng's today and played okay, still think there is room for a lot of improvement. The total of my sng's today is +$1,61. So together that's +$5,26. So now i'm back grinding, I hope I can still make silver star. Still have 3 days left so should be an easy game.
In my last blog I was talking about the WBCOOP and I asked pokerstars staff if my blog was old enough to compete and the answer was YES! So tomorrow or the day after I will write a blog as entry and ofcourse post it here. When I get my 10 tickets I'll try to play as much 6-max NLHE events as possible. Also very intrested in Playing the PL 5 card draw, the horse, 8-game and shoot-out/heads-up events. Will keep you guys updated on that as well. Expect my WBCOOP entry and after that a summary of the month February on March the 1st.

Goal for amount vpp's: 500
Vpp's needed to be on schedule: 446,43
Vpp's earned this month: 425,59
Goal for bankroll end february: $100+
Bankroll: $129,95(got a couple of bonusses)
Been offline for a little while. Had some personal issues to deal with and my mindset was totally off. So uhm yeah, we're back now! My mindset is good and so is my play. Now following I will post a short summary of everyday I played since my last update.
As you can see I just played worse because things going on. Well, today went better!
Today I went for 3 mtt's, a $3,30 and two $2,20's. Unfortunately I only managed to cash in the $3,30 tourney but I finished 76th after losing a 50K pot with AK > AT pfai. Well, too bad, had 11K left and shoved with AT in 88's and didn't manage to hit. Still cashed $11,35 though so no complaining from my side. Played 24 sng's today and played okay, still think there is room for a lot of improvement. The total of my sng's today is +$1,61. So together that's +$5,26. So now i'm back grinding, I hope I can still make silver star. Still have 3 days left so should be an easy game.
In my last blog I was talking about the WBCOOP and I asked pokerstars staff if my blog was old enough to compete and the answer was YES! So tomorrow or the day after I will write a blog as entry and ofcourse post it here. When I get my 10 tickets I'll try to play as much 6-max NLHE events as possible. Also very intrested in Playing the PL 5 card draw, the horse, 8-game and shoot-out/heads-up events. Will keep you guys updated on that as well. Expect my WBCOOP entry and after that a summary of the month February on March the 1st.

Goal for amount vpp's: 500
Vpp's needed to be on schedule: 446,43
Vpp's earned this month: 425,59
Goal for bankroll end february: $100+
Bankroll: $129,95(got a couple of bonusses)
woensdag 13 februari 2013
What's up guys!?
This blog update is going to be a little longer than usual.
I'm going to talk about my sessions today and yesterday, I will talk about the WBCOOP and I will talk a little bit strategy-ish.
Okay, so first of all, my sessions. 2 days ago I played 8 games after I posted my blog and won $6,22. I was running pretty good but when I woke up yesterday morning I must've hit some sort of switch. Yesterday I played 22 games and lost -$8,85. Not that good. I think my game was just fine, maybe some bad luck? Today I woke up feeling not that good. Called school to say I was sick. In fact, after the winterclash weekend I just had too less sleep. So after a couple extra hours of sleep I thought of playing online and I sat down. After my first 27 games I was up $2,98 and everything was going okay. I also played a $1,10 turbo 6-max mtt and cashed $4,10, so that's also a profit of $3,00. Then I went to the supermarket to buy some groceries for my mother and after dinner I started grinding again. After 23 games I was up just a little. $2,33. Then I took a little break to play guitar and well, it got ugly when I started playing again. I played another 15 games and managed to cash in only 2! A first and a second place finish. After all it could be worse so with a total loss today of -$5,85 I should be 'happy'.
So, yeah. World Blogging Championships Of Poker return to pokerstars! I would say: "wonderfull!!" but no. Pokerstars tweeted me that your blog should be a month old, and sice my blog was made on february the 4th I may not get in! I'm still going to mail them if I could take part, it's just 4 days. If I'm allowed to play I would play shootout events, 6-max events and HORSE, since that still is my favorite game.
First of all, I'm just a nit. I'm playing these sng's for a little longer than 2 weeks at the moment so I don't know everything. My game is far from perfect but I'm still sharing some things I found playing these games. First of all, one thing that really caught my eye is players bluffing on the river. Here I have an example of a play I've really seen a lot of times.
we're just a couple of hands in the game so the blinds are still 10/20, we're playing 5 handed and we're in the big blind. Player 1 limps UTG and everybody folds but the small blind, he also limps. So, we go to the flop 3 handed and the board comes 9s4c6s. We hit top pair. Small blind checks and we bet the pot of 60. First limper folds and SB calls. The turn is an ace of diamonds, SB checks and we decide to slow down and check. The river brings the ace of clubs and i'm fairly sure SB doesn't have an ace, so we have the best hand. But now SB takes the lead and bets 1/3rd of the pot, 60 in a 180 pot. I see this play a lot and I think personaly that if he would have a better hand that he would've made a bigger bet. I decide to call and villain shows 64, just a pair of sixes.
So, what do you guys think? Probably not playing tomorrow because I have training with the debate club. Will post another entry on sunday or monday, Have a good weekend!!
Goal for amount vpp's: 500
Vpp's needed to be on schedule: 232,14
Vpp's earned this month: 317,13
Goal for bankroll end february: $100+
Bankroll: $136,24
Okay, so first of all, my sessions. 2 days ago I played 8 games after I posted my blog and won $6,22. I was running pretty good but when I woke up yesterday morning I must've hit some sort of switch. Yesterday I played 22 games and lost -$8,85. Not that good. I think my game was just fine, maybe some bad luck? Today I woke up feeling not that good. Called school to say I was sick. In fact, after the winterclash weekend I just had too less sleep. So after a couple extra hours of sleep I thought of playing online and I sat down. After my first 27 games I was up $2,98 and everything was going okay. I also played a $1,10 turbo 6-max mtt and cashed $4,10, so that's also a profit of $3,00. Then I went to the supermarket to buy some groceries for my mother and after dinner I started grinding again. After 23 games I was up just a little. $2,33. Then I took a little break to play guitar and well, it got ugly when I started playing again. I played another 15 games and managed to cash in only 2! A first and a second place finish. After all it could be worse so with a total loss today of -$5,85 I should be 'happy'.
So, yeah. World Blogging Championships Of Poker return to pokerstars! I would say: "wonderfull!!" but no. Pokerstars tweeted me that your blog should be a month old, and sice my blog was made on february the 4th I may not get in! I'm still going to mail them if I could take part, it's just 4 days. If I'm allowed to play I would play shootout events, 6-max events and HORSE, since that still is my favorite game.
First of all, I'm just a nit. I'm playing these sng's for a little longer than 2 weeks at the moment so I don't know everything. My game is far from perfect but I'm still sharing some things I found playing these games. First of all, one thing that really caught my eye is players bluffing on the river. Here I have an example of a play I've really seen a lot of times.
we're just a couple of hands in the game so the blinds are still 10/20, we're playing 5 handed and we're in the big blind. Player 1 limps UTG and everybody folds but the small blind, he also limps. So, we go to the flop 3 handed and the board comes 9s4c6s. We hit top pair. Small blind checks and we bet the pot of 60. First limper folds and SB calls. The turn is an ace of diamonds, SB checks and we decide to slow down and check. The river brings the ace of clubs and i'm fairly sure SB doesn't have an ace, so we have the best hand. But now SB takes the lead and bets 1/3rd of the pot, 60 in a 180 pot. I see this play a lot and I think personaly that if he would have a better hand that he would've made a bigger bet. I decide to call and villain shows 64, just a pair of sixes.
So, what do you guys think? Probably not playing tomorrow because I have training with the debate club. Will post another entry on sunday or monday, Have a good weekend!!
Goal for amount vpp's: 500
Vpp's needed to be on schedule: 232,14
Vpp's earned this month: 317,13
Goal for bankroll end february: $100+
Bankroll: $136,24
maandag 11 februari 2013
'sup guys! I'm back from winterclash and really enjoyed it. Now i'm back, let's grind again!!
Yesterday I started playing but it really wasn't going well. I took a break after 15 games because I was down -$9,04. In the evening I played another 5 games and managed to end the day with just -$6,24 down. Today I played 24 games and won $9,14 and also managed to release a bonus of $10! So that's a profit of $19,14 today! Still, I'm not really statisfied about my games. Of the 202 games I played on this computer I bubbled 40 times. that's around 20% of the time and I think it's still too much! 43 times first and 46 times second is okay, still need to work on my bubble and heads-up game though.
Goal for amount vpp's: 500
Vpp's needed to be on schedule: 196,43
Vpp's earned this month: 218,57
Goal for bankroll end february: $100+
Bankroll: $144,72

(i'm in here somewhere ;) )
Goal for amount vpp's: 500
Vpp's needed to be on schedule: 196,43
Vpp's earned this month: 218,57
Goal for bankroll end february: $100+
Bankroll: $144,72

(i'm in here somewhere ;) )
donderdag 7 februari 2013
Little update
Today i'm just giving you guys a little update.
Out of town at the moment so I will not be able to play poker this weekend.
26 games yesterday and I was running hot! Today I ran like shit but managed to make a little profit from 12 games.
Goal for amount vpp's: 500
Vpp's needed to be on schedule: 125
Vpp's earned this month: 175,01
Goal for bankroll end february: $100+
Bankroll: $131,82
Goal for amount vpp's: 500
Vpp's needed to be on schedule: 125
Vpp's earned this month: 175,01
Goal for bankroll end february: $100+
Bankroll: $131,82
dinsdag 5 februari 2013
after school grind
Back again!!
Played 37 sng's today, so i'm playing more then my minimum per day. Had to do the mail today and also do some homework and in the evening I started playing. My game has improved big time since the beginning, heads-up and bubble play in particular. Faced some beats but managed to keep my cool. I got it in good and that's what is important. Faced things as:
AT < A8 pfai and the flop came 8T8.
AA < K4 on the flop all in on TAJ. Rivers his Q.
QQ < J9 all in on J35. He rivers the 9.
AK < KJ and he hits his J.
But you know what, I shouldn't complain. I played the hands the way I should've played 'em. And in the end I finished after 37 sng's with a profit of $7,08. Which is an ROI of 12,76%. I like!! Going to play a little tomorrow and a lot on thursday, but can't play thursday evening, the whole friday and saturday so gotta keep on pace!
Goal for amount vpp's: 500
Vpp's needed to be on schedule: 89,29
Vpp's earned this month: 137,39
Goal for bankroll end february: $100+
Bankroll: $106,46
(think I might need to adjust my bankroll goal ;) )
Played 37 sng's today, so i'm playing more then my minimum per day. Had to do the mail today and also do some homework and in the evening I started playing. My game has improved big time since the beginning, heads-up and bubble play in particular. Faced some beats but managed to keep my cool. I got it in good and that's what is important. Faced things as:
AT < A8 pfai and the flop came 8T8.
AA < K4 on the flop all in on TAJ. Rivers his Q.
QQ < J9 all in on J35. He rivers the 9.
AK < KJ and he hits his J.
But you know what, I shouldn't complain. I played the hands the way I should've played 'em. And in the end I finished after 37 sng's with a profit of $7,08. Which is an ROI of 12,76%. I like!! Going to play a little tomorrow and a lot on thursday, but can't play thursday evening, the whole friday and saturday so gotta keep on pace!
Goal for amount vpp's: 500
Vpp's needed to be on schedule: 89,29
Vpp's earned this month: 137,39
Goal for bankroll end february: $100+
Bankroll: $106,46
(think I might need to adjust my bankroll goal ;) )
maandag 4 februari 2013
february the 4th
What's up guys!
Little update today since I played my sunday and played a little bit today.
Yesterday I played 45 sit$go's and also played a $3,30 and $2,20 6-max mtt. Cashed the $2,20 but failed to cash the $3,30. Was down at one point by -$12,70 but eventually finished the day with -$2,24. fortunately I released a bonus so got $10 and ended the day up! +$7,76!!
Today I had a job interview so had little time to play and ended up playing 10 sng's. unfortunately I ended on the bubble 3 times. managed to only lose -$1,93. I have one hand to discuss, had AA. wonder what you guys would've done different in this hand.
Seat 3 is the button
Seat 1: Player1 ( 15675 ) - VPIP: 21, PFR: 12, 3B: 7, AF: 6,3, Hands: 112
Seat 3: Player3 ( 5720 ) - VPIP: 12, PFR: 12, 3B: 0, AF: 0,0, Hands: 25
Seat 4: Player4 ( 25410 ) - VPIP: 55, PFR: 40, 3B: 18, AF: 3,6, Hands: 53
Seat 5: Hero ( 19268 ) - VPIP: 23, PFR: 17, 3B: 6, AF: 1,8, Hands: 5506
Seat 6: Player6 ( 4174 ) - VPIP: 35, PFR: 13, 3B: 18, AF: 0,0, Hands: 23
Player1 posts ante of [25].
Player3 posts ante of [25].
Player4 posts ante of [25].
Hero posts ante of [25].
Player6 posts ante of [25].
Player4 posts small blind [100].
Hero posts big blind [200].
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ac As ]
Player6 calls [200]
Player1 folds
Player3 folds
Player4 raises [700]
Hero raises [1600]
Player6 folds
Player4 calls [1000]
** Dealing Flop ** [ Kd, Td, 4h ]
Player4 bets [2000]
Hero calls [2000]
** Dealing Turn ** [ Qd ]
Player4 bets [4000]
Hero calls [4000]
** Dealing River ** [ Ad ]
Player4 bets [16000]
Hero folds
Player4 wins 16000
Player4 wins 15925 from main pot
okay, so here are my thoughts. Since this guy has a huge vpip and is really agressive I decided to 3-bet with my aces. This guy called my 3 bet and decides to donk bet the flop. I decide to call since the guy is almost betting everything. My thoughts now are that i should've raised because he can draw to a straight or to a flush. Turn is again a bet and a call. and he decides to bet huge on the river. I finally decided to fold but think this hand is really difficult against such an opponent. Wonder what you guys think of this.
Goal for amount vpp's: 500
Vpp's needed to be on schedule: 71,43
Vpp's earned this month: 100,76
Goal for bankroll end february: $100+
Bankroll: $99,38
Yesterday I played 45 sit$go's and also played a $3,30 and $2,20 6-max mtt. Cashed the $2,20 but failed to cash the $3,30. Was down at one point by -$12,70 but eventually finished the day with -$2,24. fortunately I released a bonus so got $10 and ended the day up! +$7,76!!
Today I had a job interview so had little time to play and ended up playing 10 sng's. unfortunately I ended on the bubble 3 times. managed to only lose -$1,93. I have one hand to discuss, had AA. wonder what you guys would've done different in this hand.
Seat 3 is the button
Seat 1: Player1 ( 15675 ) - VPIP: 21, PFR: 12, 3B: 7, AF: 6,3, Hands: 112
Seat 3: Player3 ( 5720 ) - VPIP: 12, PFR: 12, 3B: 0, AF: 0,0, Hands: 25
Seat 4: Player4 ( 25410 ) - VPIP: 55, PFR: 40, 3B: 18, AF: 3,6, Hands: 53
Seat 5: Hero ( 19268 ) - VPIP: 23, PFR: 17, 3B: 6, AF: 1,8, Hands: 5506
Seat 6: Player6 ( 4174 ) - VPIP: 35, PFR: 13, 3B: 18, AF: 0,0, Hands: 23
Player1 posts ante of [25].
Player3 posts ante of [25].
Player4 posts ante of [25].
Hero posts ante of [25].
Player6 posts ante of [25].
Player4 posts small blind [100].
Hero posts big blind [200].
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Hero [ Ac As ]
Player6 calls [200]
Player1 folds
Player3 folds
Player4 raises [700]
Hero raises [1600]
Player6 folds
Player4 calls [1000]
** Dealing Flop ** [ Kd, Td, 4h ]
Player4 bets [2000]
Hero calls [2000]
** Dealing Turn ** [ Qd ]
Player4 bets [4000]
Hero calls [4000]
** Dealing River ** [ Ad ]
Player4 bets [16000]
Hero folds
Player4 wins 16000
Player4 wins 15925 from main pot
okay, so here are my thoughts. Since this guy has a huge vpip and is really agressive I decided to 3-bet with my aces. This guy called my 3 bet and decides to donk bet the flop. I decide to call since the guy is almost betting everything. My thoughts now are that i should've raised because he can draw to a straight or to a flush. Turn is again a bet and a call. and he decides to bet huge on the river. I finally decided to fold but think this hand is really difficult against such an opponent. Wonder what you guys think of this.
Goal for amount vpp's: 500
Vpp's needed to be on schedule: 71,43
Vpp's earned this month: 100,76
Goal for bankroll end february: $100+
Bankroll: $99,38
zondag 3 februari 2013
First of all, I'm dutch. This is going to be an English blog so please don't judge me on my English.
I decided to start a poker blog so people can follow my progres in poker. At the moment i'm backed by someone from the pokercity forum.
I started with a bankroll of $100, and I'm playing $1,50 6-max single table sit$go's.
First couple of days I faced a lot of bad beats. But! I got my chips in good, so i'm happy with the way I played. My bankroll is after a little more then 100 games around the $93. was down to $80 yesterday. I will sometimes post hands here to discuss. Goals this month: Finish the month with more than $100 and with the Silverstar VIP level. I have to play 18 games a day to become Silverstar and have now played 44 already. I will keep you all up to date. Think about 1 update in 3 or 4 days. :)
Goal for amount of games: 506
Games played this month: 44
Goal for bankroll end february: $100+
Bankroll: $93,53
First couple of days I faced a lot of bad beats. But! I got my chips in good, so i'm happy with the way I played. My bankroll is after a little more then 100 games around the $93. was down to $80 yesterday. I will sometimes post hands here to discuss. Goals this month: Finish the month with more than $100 and with the Silverstar VIP level. I have to play 18 games a day to become Silverstar and have now played 44 already. I will keep you all up to date. Think about 1 update in 3 or 4 days. :)
Goal for amount of games: 506
Games played this month: 44
Goal for bankroll end february: $100+
Bankroll: $93,53
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